Gender *
If using a Google Drive, YouTube, or Vimeo link, please paste that link here. Please make sure your sharing settings are either “unlisted” or “public” to ensure that the team can see your video.
Please upload your audition song track here. This must be an .mov, .mp4, .m4a file.
Have you signed up for an audition slot on the CYT website at the time of filling out this form? *
Participants need to be signed up for an audition slot through the CYT website. Simply log in to your family account and click on the button that says "Tools" next to your name. "Auditions" is a drop down option. From there, everything should self explanatory. If you have NOT created a family account on the CYT website, you must do so.
Please submit a current picture of yourself that the artistic team can use for reference. If your photo is too large, please email it ad@cytsanantonio.org.
Theatrical resumes are NOT required but are encouraged. If you do not have a theatrical resume, please indicate the appropriate information below.
Vocal Part *
Rate your sight reading level. *
Can you harmonize? *
Please include either the principal character name or character type (supporting role, ensemble).
Are you willing to accept any role? *
Please be honest! This helps us with casting and role offers.
On which pre-show/production team would you like to serve if cast? *
If you are not cast, are you interested in volunteering? *
Please select any known or possible conflicts that you currently have during the rehearsal process. Please include tentative conflicts. *ADDED CONFLICTS ONCE THE SHOW HAS BEEN CAST MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ARTISTIC TEAM.*
Conflicts will NOT be allowed during Tech and Performance week.
*Please double check the production schedule for current rehearsal days/times.* *
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.